NeoNerve was the successor to KeNETeK Designs and was born due to confusion of the spelling of KeNETeK when used in verbal communications such as on the radio or at conferences. Like KeNETeK, NeoNerve was ran as a partnership; my role in the partnership was designing, developing and maintaining websites throughout their life-cycle. Where possible we worked closely with the client delivering incremental builds of their website to ensure that all the requirements were met and a stable product was delivered at the end of the build.
NeoNerve was ran in my spare time between college and (later on) university. In the summer of 2002 we were approached by Staffordshire University and asked to speak about our experiences of being young entrepreneurs and giving out advice on how to get into web development.
Here's a preview of some of my work for NeoNerve Media Solutions over the years. It's been organised in date order with the newest first.